Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm blushing..

Six followers?! Really?! I'm blushing!!!! This is so fantastic. Perhaps I should drop out of school and become a professional blogger...With this crazy writer's block I have going might not be a bad thing. I can't write anything...And I have to...Like yesterday. Sighhhhh. Oh well. It'll come to me. Eventually. I hope.

Today has been a day. There's not really a good thing I can say. I can think of a lot of bad things...Like a little kid kicked me in the face at work...An older kid purposely ran into me (and didn't even say sorry)...Sigh. Working in retail makes me lose hope for the future. We're so doomed. Seriously. No one cares anymore...And this is a rant I've gone into before, so I'll stop myself before I go too crazy. I'm working on a screenplay about retail for my Scriptwriting workshop, so hopefully you'll see the sad reality of what it means to work in retail on the big screen one day...with my name!!! How cool would that be?! "Screenplay by Brynn Journey!!!!!" AHHHHH! That would be pretty incredible...I just have to get over this writer's block.

So I got Taylor Swift's new album today...It's amazing. I love it. I love her. Well, I guess I better get back to banging my head against the keyboard...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Full Disclosure

SO OMG I HAVE MY THIRD FOLLOWER! This is super duper exciting! :)

So, my dear fiance is playing StarCraft right now, and I'm really having a hard time figuring out how he is still friends with the people he plays with. He litterally told one of them, "You are so bad at this game." After that, I would absolutely want to continue playing with him. And then he's like, "I can't calm down, I can't calm down, I CAN'T CALM DOWN!" Obviously getting progressively louder each time. I really, really wonder what goes on in his head. Like why play a game if you just get angry? I don't get it. I understand he's super competitive, but like, has he ever heard of playing for fun, win or lose? I guess not. He went on this insane laughing fit tonight, too. I'm pretty sure it was the last shreds of his sanity. It was worse than the Joker. I mean, I'm seriously afraid. On a scale of one to crazy, he was past psychotic. Also, when he got off the game he signed off to his friend with, "Alright you're horrible, bye!" Real nice.

We decided to wash our cars today, as well. Please, please remind me to never, ever do this again. Seriously. Worst idea EVER. We're washing cars, and obviously he's being annoying with the hose. It's a lot like the remote, I'm simply not allowed to touch it. I know he's going to spray me. I can, like, sense it. He starts out really subtle. "Oh it was an accident." Yeah right. Then, at some point, he just ALL OUT sprays me. I mean to the point that I am completely soaking wet. My hair is drenched, even my undies are dripping. I know, I know, I'm at my house, so who cares? But I cared. I made him go get me a towel. Of course, I had to spray him when he came back. It really wasn't even that great. I mean the front of his shorts were soaked, but from behind, he looked dry as a bone. So what does he do? Revenge. He gets the hose and just sprays me. I run down the driveway and he chases me, constantly spraying. I'm like a poor sick wet dog. It's borderline pathetic. I'm like, "STOP SPRAYING ME!" He's all, "No, we have to get EVEN!" It's like, HELLO, there's not a single dry spot on me, and you're practically dry as a bone. Whatever. Lesson learned!

I suppose, though, that I get the last laugh this week. We're getting our engagement pictures taken on Sunday. This is incredibly awesome for numerous reasons, 1. He'll have to miss some of the Dolphins game. 2. What guy even wants to do engagement photos? That's right, none. It just makes me so, so happy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I live like a hermit in my own head.

First, I just have to say that school is owning my life. Every time I feel like I can take a breath, the air gets sucked out of me again. It's just one thing after another after another. It's exhausting, always fighting to breathe. Oh well, I really shouldn't complain too much because I'm actually enjoying it. My classes get better and better. How cheesy is that? Well, except for Spanish. Ughhhh.

So about a week ago I had a serious talk with my fiance. I told him that his raging was really beginning to worry me, and it's seriously not healthy. No one should ever get so angry when they're playing a game. I still don't get how you can take a video game so seriously - but whatever. Since then, things have been pretty quiet around here. No yelling. No slamming the mouse down. I'm pretty proud. I'm sure this will only last another week or so, but I'm pretty sure that's an additional week added on to his life span. Because I'm pretty sure that if he continues to rage, his life will be cut in half. His blood pressure must be out of control.

Anyway, I just finished a short story for my Fiction Workshop class, and I'm super excited about it. I think it was a lot better than the one I originally intended to submit. I think I developed this one a lot more with descriptions and back story. I think my professor will be glad that I incorporated a lot of different tactics he's discussed this semester. I think next I want to attempt to write a piece with dual perspectives, but I'm not sure how that will fly. I guess we'll see.

Oh my gosh, so can I just say that Monday Night Football was so embarrassing. Let me just preface this with the fact that I HATE FOOTBALL. Honestly there is nothing appealing to me (Okay, lie, those tight pants are pretty appealing). I think I've stated before that my whole family is a group of insane football-aholics. Everyone is a Miami fan (my dad prefers the Cowboys - America's Team - but my mom has sucked him into the Dolphins vortex). So when Miami got to play on like a major national event like Monday Night Football, time stopped at my house. And then, they got completely crushed, but they showed a lot of promise in the beginning. Of course, as were watching the game, my lovely fiance was raging. He and his friends also found numerous ways to tie the game into StarCraft. I can't even go there, it's beyond embarrassing.

Aside from all of this, life has been rather tame lately. There hasn't been any big StarCraft news, and I still haven't gotten that LCD TV over here. I wonder if I'll ever get to enjoy any perks from gaming. I'm going to go ahead and guess no. I wonder what my dear fiance would do if we had only daughters. HAHAHAHAHA! Man, that would be such sweat justice!