Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Isn't that, like, the coolest title ever? I just bought that book, and I can not wait to read it. I think the author has a gift for coming up with titles...His other book is Everything is Illuminated. Like, seriously, how do you not pick up both of those books?! I know I would...and did. Of course, I'll let you know how they turn out. I'm the worst at making up titles. It's like, how do you pour so much into a story and characters and sum it all up in just a few words that should catch a reader's eye? It's a lot of pressure.

So, my fiance has decided to stop raging, which is good for his health...but really bad for my blog. However, I have noticed a few small tricks he's employed. It's true, he doesn't rage when we play games with friends during game nights at the house. He also doesn't rage as much when he plays Star Craft 2, but at the same time, he very, very rarely plays Star Craft 2 anymore. He also doesn't rage AS MUCH when he plays Call of Duty Black Ops. I say AS MUCH because he absolutely still rages a bit...Especially when I'm not in the room. For instance, a few days ago, he was playing COD in the living room downstairs, and I was in my room upstairs cleaning, and from time to time, I would hear him yelling at the TV. "COULD YOU BE ANY WORSE!" "SOMEONE FUCKING WATCH THIS GUY!" Seriously. It's like that stupid question people ask, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one's around to hear, does it still make noise?" or whatever. It's like, "If Brynn's not around to hear me scream, is it still raging?" The answer is yes. To both questions.
I know you're wondering, if fiance isn't playing Star Craft 2 and COD, then what in the hell is he up to? He's up to poker, and he's up to football. Sigh. He still rages when he plays poker. To be fair, it's not nearly as bad, but he still slams his mouse on the desk, and he still yells, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" But, this is a lot better than the various other things he's done in the past. There's no more covering up holes in the walls with a poster, and he's finished breaking desks. BUt when he says he's a rehabilitated rage free man, I know this to be a lie. Football, though, is probably the biggest thing he rages about. He is FOREVER yelling at Chad Henne and the poor Miami Dolphins. He's called Mr. Henne every bad name in the book. I hope to God that he never is in the viccinity of Chad Henne because one of them may end up incredibly wounded. Now, one might think, "Brynn this is totally understandable. The Dolphins are his team. He has to be passionate." I would respond with this, "Oh really? The Saints aren't his team. The Falcons aren't his team. The Eagles aren't his team." My dear fiance rages during nearly every football game he watches. He picks a team he likes the best (most likely because he's betting on them) and then ANY TIME the game doesn't go in his favor, he COMPLETELY flips. One thing I know to be true about my fiance, he has been graced with a very powerful set of lungs.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Never EVER Again!

Call of Duty Black Ops. Sighhhhh. I hate it. It's completely terrible. I've stated numerous times that I hate those games where all you do is KILL KILL KILL! There's something super duper creepy about that. Black Ops is exactly that kind of game. KILL KILL KILL! Fiance just got this game, and I was sitting here, bored out of my mind, so I asked if I could give it a try. He was playing with like six of his friends, so I hop on, and of course, I'm completely lost. So I'm like, "What do I do?" Fiance says, "KILL EVERYONE!" Seriously?! Seriously! Like how is that a normal response, ever, under any circumstances?! Sooo wrong. Of course I totallllly sucked. Everyone killed me repeatedly, which was a bunch of BS! I was such an easy target. They're a bunch of bullies. It's like, "Ohhh let's see who can kill Brynn first!" That's a lot like pushing a parapelegic out of a wheelchair...They're totally defenseless...As am I. (Perhaps I should apologize for using that metaphor...) Anyway, I'm vowing to never touch that game again.

I never thought I would say this, but I've found a new respect for Star Craft. At least you're building something and protecting your base...You're fighting for something. In Black Ops you're just killing to kill. (I know one of you will have something to say about terrorists or something...But you can shove it...So run and tell that.) Also, Fiance hasn't even played Star Craft in like a week since Black Ops took over his soul. It's making me sad. I miss those little baby Zerg. I want to hear him rage about Terran. I want to see him slam his mouse on the desk and throw his headphones. Okay, maybe I don't miss it THAT much, but I feel like almost anything is better than Black Ops.

I've decided to capture a few things Fiance screams out during this game...(By the way, it's really creepy that there's sound effects for getting knifed...Also the moaning throws me over the edge...)
"Oh my god, I'm about to quit."
"Who just- Alright Larry, you are gay as shit!"
"I wish I had a Balistics knife to use."
"I don't even know what that means."
I interrupt this just to tell you all that when he kills someone he gets this super SUPER pleasurable grin on his face. I feel slightly scared.
"Please get 'em! Please get 'em!"
I also interrupt this to tell you that there was just a big peace sign painted on a wall in the game...Sigh. How sad.

In other news, less than ONE YEAR till our wedding about creepy! I can't believe that. I was practicing my signature the other night...How's THAT for lame?! HAHAHAHAHA!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm blushing..

Six followers?! Really?! I'm blushing!!!! This is so fantastic. Perhaps I should drop out of school and become a professional blogger...With this crazy writer's block I have going might not be a bad thing. I can't write anything...And I have to...Like yesterday. Sighhhhh. Oh well. It'll come to me. Eventually. I hope.

Today has been a day. There's not really a good thing I can say. I can think of a lot of bad things...Like a little kid kicked me in the face at work...An older kid purposely ran into me (and didn't even say sorry)...Sigh. Working in retail makes me lose hope for the future. We're so doomed. Seriously. No one cares anymore...And this is a rant I've gone into before, so I'll stop myself before I go too crazy. I'm working on a screenplay about retail for my Scriptwriting workshop, so hopefully you'll see the sad reality of what it means to work in retail on the big screen one day...with my name!!! How cool would that be?! "Screenplay by Brynn Journey!!!!!" AHHHHH! That would be pretty incredible...I just have to get over this writer's block.

So I got Taylor Swift's new album today...It's amazing. I love it. I love her. Well, I guess I better get back to banging my head against the keyboard...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Full Disclosure

SO OMG I HAVE MY THIRD FOLLOWER! This is super duper exciting! :)

So, my dear fiance is playing StarCraft right now, and I'm really having a hard time figuring out how he is still friends with the people he plays with. He litterally told one of them, "You are so bad at this game." After that, I would absolutely want to continue playing with him. And then he's like, "I can't calm down, I can't calm down, I CAN'T CALM DOWN!" Obviously getting progressively louder each time. I really, really wonder what goes on in his head. Like why play a game if you just get angry? I don't get it. I understand he's super competitive, but like, has he ever heard of playing for fun, win or lose? I guess not. He went on this insane laughing fit tonight, too. I'm pretty sure it was the last shreds of his sanity. It was worse than the Joker. I mean, I'm seriously afraid. On a scale of one to crazy, he was past psychotic. Also, when he got off the game he signed off to his friend with, "Alright you're horrible, bye!" Real nice.

We decided to wash our cars today, as well. Please, please remind me to never, ever do this again. Seriously. Worst idea EVER. We're washing cars, and obviously he's being annoying with the hose. It's a lot like the remote, I'm simply not allowed to touch it. I know he's going to spray me. I can, like, sense it. He starts out really subtle. "Oh it was an accident." Yeah right. Then, at some point, he just ALL OUT sprays me. I mean to the point that I am completely soaking wet. My hair is drenched, even my undies are dripping. I know, I know, I'm at my house, so who cares? But I cared. I made him go get me a towel. Of course, I had to spray him when he came back. It really wasn't even that great. I mean the front of his shorts were soaked, but from behind, he looked dry as a bone. So what does he do? Revenge. He gets the hose and just sprays me. I run down the driveway and he chases me, constantly spraying. I'm like a poor sick wet dog. It's borderline pathetic. I'm like, "STOP SPRAYING ME!" He's all, "No, we have to get EVEN!" It's like, HELLO, there's not a single dry spot on me, and you're practically dry as a bone. Whatever. Lesson learned!

I suppose, though, that I get the last laugh this week. We're getting our engagement pictures taken on Sunday. This is incredibly awesome for numerous reasons, 1. He'll have to miss some of the Dolphins game. 2. What guy even wants to do engagement photos? That's right, none. It just makes me so, so happy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I live like a hermit in my own head.

First, I just have to say that school is owning my life. Every time I feel like I can take a breath, the air gets sucked out of me again. It's just one thing after another after another. It's exhausting, always fighting to breathe. Oh well, I really shouldn't complain too much because I'm actually enjoying it. My classes get better and better. How cheesy is that? Well, except for Spanish. Ughhhh.

So about a week ago I had a serious talk with my fiance. I told him that his raging was really beginning to worry me, and it's seriously not healthy. No one should ever get so angry when they're playing a game. I still don't get how you can take a video game so seriously - but whatever. Since then, things have been pretty quiet around here. No yelling. No slamming the mouse down. I'm pretty proud. I'm sure this will only last another week or so, but I'm pretty sure that's an additional week added on to his life span. Because I'm pretty sure that if he continues to rage, his life will be cut in half. His blood pressure must be out of control.

Anyway, I just finished a short story for my Fiction Workshop class, and I'm super excited about it. I think it was a lot better than the one I originally intended to submit. I think I developed this one a lot more with descriptions and back story. I think my professor will be glad that I incorporated a lot of different tactics he's discussed this semester. I think next I want to attempt to write a piece with dual perspectives, but I'm not sure how that will fly. I guess we'll see.

Oh my gosh, so can I just say that Monday Night Football was so embarrassing. Let me just preface this with the fact that I HATE FOOTBALL. Honestly there is nothing appealing to me (Okay, lie, those tight pants are pretty appealing). I think I've stated before that my whole family is a group of insane football-aholics. Everyone is a Miami fan (my dad prefers the Cowboys - America's Team - but my mom has sucked him into the Dolphins vortex). So when Miami got to play on like a major national event like Monday Night Football, time stopped at my house. And then, they got completely crushed, but they showed a lot of promise in the beginning. Of course, as were watching the game, my lovely fiance was raging. He and his friends also found numerous ways to tie the game into StarCraft. I can't even go there, it's beyond embarrassing.

Aside from all of this, life has been rather tame lately. There hasn't been any big StarCraft news, and I still haven't gotten that LCD TV over here. I wonder if I'll ever get to enjoy any perks from gaming. I'm going to go ahead and guess no. I wonder what my dear fiance would do if we had only daughters. HAHAHAHAHA! Man, that would be such sweat justice!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hello Old Friend!

Gosh! I miss you, blog. Seriously. It's been way, way, way too long. I might be crazy, but isn't Blog kind of a cute name for a kid? I'm sure my fiance would say NOOOOOO, but honestly, I'm starting to question his taste in names. I mean, he likes the name Jade, and Jade just sounds like such a dirty stripper name to me. I like fun names like Stella, Regan, Paisley, Harper, and Avery. Oh well, since he's a name Nazi, I save all of my totally awesome names for my characters in my stories. My main characters right now are Annabelle, Stella, Regan, and Avery. HAHA! I'm saving Harper for a really kick ass character. She hasn't come to me yet, but I'll know it when she does, and I have no doubts that she will be AWESOME!

So this week has been insanely exciting! It's new show week! All of my favorites are coming back and new shows are just starting! I love, love, love this time of year! It makes me so happy. It's fall! The weather is getting cooler (yeah right, this is Florida but a girl can dream) and people are starting to get in the holiday spirit! I work in retail (DUH!), so the holidays start for me in September, which I know by normal person standards is just plain crazy. But at work we start to hear some holiday music here and there. The ornaments are coming in, and we're starting to get Christmas outfits! I already can't wait for Thanksgiving. Okay, truth be told, before Thanksgiving is even over, I'm ready for the next one! I just love the holidays. I love seeing my family, and everyone is seriously just nicer.

So, I'm trying to find some new books to read. After the Sookie Stackhouse series, I'm kind of struggling. I'm on book two of the Aurora Teagarden series, but I'm not too sure how much I'm really enjoying it. I was thinking about picking up the Dexter Morgan series, but I don't want it to ruin the show (which by the way I love and can't wait for it to come back on TV!). So I'm kind of just stuck in a bind. I'm just not really sure where to go from here. I'm sure I'll figure it out though.

So fiance is sitting on his computer playing StarCraft 2 - SHOCKER! He's not screaming or flipping out, so perhaps we're making steps. He just bought the new Halo, which I'm kind of surprised about. He was all, "The new Halo is so stupid, I'm not gonna buy it." blahblahblah. And now look at him! He's been going to his house a lot lately to play it. I'm wondering when his XBOX is going to make it's way over here. If it does, I hope he brings his fancy LCD TV. I mean, I still have the old TV which weighs like 70 pounds, easily. I'll definitely keep you posted on the whereabouts of a certain gaming system.

I'm not sure what to get my fiance this year for Christmas though. I know I have a lot of time, but I kind of like to pre-plan and get some kind of idea. I'm sure I'll figure something out, and I'm pretty sure it will have NOTHING to do with any computer or any gaming system. That reminds me, he's been complaining that his computer has been acting up lately. I wonder if he's going to try to find a way to get a new one. I said something about getting a new one, and he was all, "oh no" blah blah, but I think he's just trying to get his foot in the door. I'll keep you posted on THAT too.

It's also football season, which in my house means, yell at your television until you can't speak anymore season! My mother is a DIE HARD Miami fan. She passed those genes down to my siblings. My dad is a DIE HARD Cowboys fan (which is America's/God's team, of course). Sadly, my dad didn't really pass those genes down to any of his kids, except for maybe me. But I hate football so much. I only pretend to like it so my Sundays and Mondays aren't totally unbearable. I have this theory that if you pretend something long enough, it just becomes real. For instance, all day today I pretended like I LOVE my job, and it didn't turn out to be a very bad day. I'm thinking of adopting this philosophy for good. I'll keep you posted on that as well.

Well, I think it's off to bed and to enjoy some new TV shows in the relative peace and quiet (he's still not yelling!).

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dear Blog, How I have missed you...NOT!

So, usually, if I'm not blogging, that means my fiance is being a good boy and not gaming too much. Sadly, this is not the case as of recently. True, I haven't been blogging, false, my fiance has not been gaming. I just haven't had much opportunity to complain because I've been crazy, crazy busy with work and school. I'm seriously wondering why I ever wanted to grow up. I don't want to be a real person anymore, and I'd like to have recess and nap time back. Speaking of naps, I used to nap ALL THE TIME, and I never even have TIME to nap anymore. Speaking of time, isn't it an interesting concept. God, I think my writing workshops and Shakespeare studies are getting to me. When did I become so poetic?

I'm a big fan of constructive criticism. In fact, I thrive on it. I always, always try to take it into consideration. When my teachers give me tips on how to do dialogue, I'm probably the only person in my class that actually uses it. So, when someone points out that I don't use paragraphs, I'm going to fix it. Because, honestly, who wants to read a big long block of crap? Certainly not me, and certainly not others. Perhaps this is why I only have two followers? Maybe now that I use paragraphs I'll have more followers. I suppose only time will tell.

Speaking of school, as busy and crazy as it's been, I'm actually loving it. I'm doing my work EARLY. Which is basically unheard of when it comes to me. I do everything, and I mean everything, at the very last minute. Not anymore, I'm such a new person this semester that I don't even know myself anymore! I'm even enjoying my Spanish class, and honestly, who really enjoys Spanish class? I'm taking fiction writing workshop - which is like phenomenal, screenwriting workshop - which is plain awesome (I mean I study screenplays for Juno and Inception how is that not awesome?!), Shakespeare Studies - which is probably the worst of all my classes (obviously not that bad, though), and Spanish - which is surprising me more everyday! Next semester should be absolute torture though because I'm going to have to take six classes. I guess I should just be enjoying it while I can.

I feel like I can't talk about StarCraft 2 anymore. I hate it so insanely much that it's just not right. I used to get some kind of laugh out of it, but right now, I'm just jealous of it. I'm convinced that it's encrypted with porn. I mean, it has to be, what other thing captivates male attention for hours at a time? That's right nothing - only boobs. I think it's encrypted so that it only shows itself when seen through male eyes which is obviously in their DNA. It all goes back to science somehow, and because I hate science, there is no way I can fully describe the theory brewing in my mind.

So instead of talking about StarCraft...I would just like to say THANK YOU to the Oxygen channel for playing Pretty Woman all night. When my fiance can't be any company to me, Julia and Richard have fully fulfilled his role.

Just as a side note though, MLG is having another tournament in Washington DC, and luckily, fiance is NOT signing up for it!!! WOO HOO! Hopefully he doesn't get an invite either because I can't go. However, I'm not entirely sure I would even want to go. The only silver lining is Day 9. Oh and also to protect fiance from all of the dirty nasty groupies. By the way, I thoroughly miss Day 9. What a nice voice he has...HAHAHA. (That's for real...not sarcasm...but who knew I'd actually mean it!?)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

We are finally, finally home from Raleigh. It was a fun trip...okay, maybe not fun, but definitely interesting. The trip was a success for me! I read a total of three books from Thursday to Sunday! I completed the Sookie Stackhouse series (go read it ASAP, if you haven't already)! On a side note - I just have to confess my love for Eric. Okay, I feel better now. I also got my book, Mockingjay, which is the last book in The Hunger Games series (again go read it, like yesterday)! I'm super duper excited to read it now that I have some closure with Sookie! So anyways, back to what this all is about - Starcraft Tournament. I got to meet Day 9, and I'm pretty sure I squealed like some tween with Bieber Fever! He was super, super awesome! He was funny and kind of embarrassed about himself. He was better than I could have imagined. And I just have to tell you that this whole thing must be a total mind-screw for these guys. It's insanity. I know that the majority of the population doesn't follow gaming and has little interest in the pro gaming world. However, there is A LOT of money that goes into it. And I have to wonder what it's like to be like Day 9. He's a normal guy going to grad school, but on the weekends he goes to these tournaments and casts. It's like he's a celebrity. People (myself included) line up for his autograph and a picture with him! All of these SatrCraft groupies (seriously - there really are video gaming groupies) make goo-goo eyes at him! I'm pretty shocked at the whole thing. I can't imagine what it would be like to be George Clooney on the weekend, and the during the week, being a John Doe nobody. It has to be completely strange. There's also some pretty crazy bullying that goes on at these tournaments, and I don't mean between players. There's all of these vendors that show up to these events that like support the cause. There was Dr. Pepper, Stride, Dorritos, and Hot Pockets (go figure). These people hire these moderately cute, semi trashy girls to go up to all of these geeks and fake flirt with them to get them to sign up for stuff! It's totally sad to see. Because these poor guys probably have never been approached by a girl before, so they're basically getting a boner at that alone. And then these girls want something from them, and they're so blinded by a REAL LIFE GIRL talking to them that before they know it they're probably signing their lives away. Seriously - this is no joke. I also blogged earlier in the hopes of there being some epic tantrums, and I'm sad to say, guys that play PC games are just too classy for that. There is absolutely no tantrums in StarCraft. No one even slammed their mouse down hard after they lost...I'm like COME ON. Give me some action. However, Halo did not fail to bring the drama. We sat in the main stage (LOL at there being a "main satge" in gaming like it's fight night) and there was this team that had such terrible manners. They yelled and screamed at each other the enter time. They were the worst sports in the history of bad sports.

This is the main stage...


Me blogging in Starbucks...


Me and (gasp) DAY 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bobby (Fiance's friend), DAY 9, and Austin (Fiance)


DAY 9's totally awesome autograph!!!!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Just met Day 9! I'm blushing and in love! Pictures to come later!
PS - The tantrums tonight should be EPIC! I hope someone throws a mouse!

Drum roll pleeeeease!!!!

First I have to apologize about my previous posts! Apparently texting in updates is not successful! So I'm currently sitting in the Starbucks in the lobby writing on my iPhone! This is actually a lot harder than one would expect!!! Anyway, I know you're all dying for and update on all things Starcraft! We are officially signed in, but we had to exit the building until 1:30pm when practicestarts! Seriously?! What on earth could they possibly be worried about?! I suppose fighting could be an issue. Poor Zerg players hate Terran and Protoss, and Terran are basically roided out assholes that oppress the lower beings! Gosh, if that doesn't give me bonus points with my fiancé, I'm not sure what will! So anyway back to what I inteded to say...this lobby looks like a bunch of kids on an overnight high school field trip! No kidding! Like I can feel the hormones raging, it's super awkward. There's like such an odd mix of people here. It ranges from jacked guys with tattoos and stars dyed into their hair to white kids that think they're not to guys that are SERIOUSLY wearing their pajama pants out in public. If he doesn't win due to sheer comfort, the game is rigged. Another thing, there's a bunch of moderatly cute to trashy looking girls that are actually SPONSORED by Dr. Pepper! There are so many things wrong with this! Honesty, whydoes Dr. Pepper even care?! And how did this even happen?! I can only imagine what that pitch sounded like. They're probably World of Warcraft players! I promise I'll update later as well as fix my previous postings AND post pictures. PS I'm on the hunt for Day 9 and u can't wait to meet him! I hope I don't get too star struck!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

? earned various things. For instance, fianc?'s friend does the cabbage patch dance and says "I feel a dookie comin' on" when he has to go poop. Also he re
? ple time to read my Sookie Stackhouse book, which by the way, is blowing my mind! We are 123 miles away from Savannah, Georgia! Stay tuned...
? ally enlightened us all with his deep thoughts, "think of how big the world is," so nonetheless, the trip is providing yummy food, lots of laughs, and am
? Well we just stopped for lunch in Jacksonville!! Two hours down, seven more to go!!! We had Zaxby's, which is so good it should be illegal. At lunch we l


Testing!!!! I can officially blog from my phone! Just in case I can't get to a computer, I can live blog from the event on my phone!!!! Oh, technology...

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!

Tomorrow we leave for Raleigh!!!! Friday the games begin! BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR PICTURES AND POSTINGS!!!! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just to clarify...

It was brought to my attention that sometimes my blog can be a bit harsh towards my fiance, his friends, and the gaming world. I'd like to clarify a few things. I love everything about my fiance to the nth degree (Star Craft included). I'm glad he finds something that he enjoys. I also really like my fiance's friends. They're absolutely fantastic in all of their own ways (totally serious). I think they're wonderful friends, and they treat me like I'm they're friend too, and really how could you ever ask for more?! Even though they're all terrible influences on my fiance with these games and many of them are Terran, I still think they're great people.

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to bring up the fact that my fiance is ranked in the top 100 Zerg players in the US. I'm so not surprised by this. What a bad ass, right? I mean how many people can brag about that? Only 100, obviously, but if you take into account how many of those Zerg players actually have girlfriends, it's probably a lot less than 100, perhaps around 20. He's such a stud! All week, though, I've been hearing him gripe about how Terran is totally rigged and it's impossible to beat a good Terran. He's thinking of trading up races after this big MLG tournament if things don't turn around (as are various other Zerg players). It's actually kind of sad. Like this one guy, whose name is totally escaping me - but it's not Idra, has totally said publicly that he will change from playing a Zerg if they don't un-rig the races. I've also come to find out that Zerg players are seriously really low. Like less than half of all of the top players are Zerg. How crazy is that?! I know that doesn't sound crazy, but if I told you these number, you'd be pretty pissed off.

On a totally unrelated note, I'm reading the Sookie Stackhouse series, and I am totally addicted. I'm past addicted. I love it so much. So far, there's ten books, and right now, I'm on book seven. I can't wait to finish it! They're sososososo good, so if you haven't, go read them!

Monday, August 9, 2010

My fiance is kind of a big deal.

So there's this StarCraft 2 tournament coming up at the end of August. The tournament is for 64 people, 32 were invited and the other 32 could apply and get accepted. My fiance was among the 32 to be accepted. You better believe I will be live blogging my way through this tournament as I will absolutely be in attendance. It's in Raleigh, so we better be making a mini vacation out of it. If he knows what's good for him. There are a few reasons why I am completely hysterical over this (and by hysterical I mean hysterically laughing). First of all, who signs up for a tournament (my fiance apparently)?! Second I'm completely shocked he was accepted. I mean he is in diamond league (don't be jealous). But still. This is shocking. Anyways, his friends actually want to GO THERE to support him (LOL). He's seriously sitting here talking to his friends about how nervous he is and how he is going to have to "grind the shit (SORRY GRAMMY) out of this game" before the tournament. Seriously he grinds everyday. He really doesn't need to grind anymore. If he grinds more, we will be complete strangers!!! I really can't get over how hilarious this is. Like, when I think to myself that this couldn't get any worse, he gets accepted into this friggin' tournament! At least I get a road trip out of it!

Now, to catch you up, he is completely insane about this game. I keep waiting for the appeal of it to start to simmer down, but I am convinced he will be buried with this game. It's so outrageous. One day, before finals, he said he needed to wake up early to study. He woke up early, all right. I woke up briefly when he got up and I said, "What? Are you studying Star Craft?!" He was so busted. To his credit, though, he did stop playing shortly after to study. But still, it was like he COULD NOT get on the computer without playing Star Craft. He made me watch a replay of one of his games, and I'm not kidding, it was like a form of torture. He's like trying to explain it to me, and all I'm thinking is, why do those damn things look like cockroaches?! His friends came over a few nights ago, and we were supposed to have a game night. Guess what we did instead? That's right, we watched some replays of Star Craft 2 games with Day 9 doing commentary. I have to say that I absolutely find this guy completely hilarious (in a bad way). I can not even put into words how incredible he is. Honestly, he could have a real career in commentating. He has a pretty good voice. And I suppose he gets really into the games and really excited at the right times (since I don't know what's going on I can't be the best judge on this). I'm wondering if that cable channel G4 knows about him...If not, they better find out fast and pay him because he's a diamond in the rough. Seriously. I love his glasses and especially when he takes them off and wipes them and then puts them back on, which he does in like every video. I think it makes him feel cool or something. It's also totally obvious that gaming is his life as his room is filled with gaming posters. I'm pretty sure he's never talked to a girl before about anything other than Zerg. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping to hell that Day 9 will be at this big tournament because I would love to meet him.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Someone should be caught and held responsible for this bloody mess.

So, my fiance is off to take the first of his finals, so for the next five hours I get my desk back! He has completely taken it over with his ginormous desktop computer as well as various bags of Mike and Ike's and Cheetos. Seriously, I always knew I was messy, but I'm pretty sure my fiance takes the cake! He is an absolute disaster! I know you will have something to say about this Bobby, but seriously, he's a lot messier than me! Anyways, I've been pretty sick for the last few days with bronchitis. We all know that when a guy is sick, even with just a runny nose, the world is over and nothing will ever feel good again. Seriously, they suddenly can't do anything for themselves. Well, my fiance has been on the computer playing StarCraft (GO FIGURE), and I'm in bed coughing up my lungs, and he actually asks ME to go get HIM water!!!! SERIOUSLY?! He's completely hopeless. Oh well. I'll be really, really happy when he gets over this weird obsession with StarCraft. I'm crossing my fingers that it happens soon. Here's why I find this game so outrageously annoying...

First, he sits there for HOURS with like absolutely no communication my way. Which is fine. I can find ways to entertain myself. I mean, I am the gossip queen. I love me some TMZ, People, and Perez Hilton. I also have a bunch of shows that I love and he hates (Supposedly anyways, he usually asks me a zillion times about what happens). So I get me time, and I'm so not complaining about that. What I will complain about is him and his friends singing "HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIFE" about a million times. Seriously. They find a stupid video and talk about it for hours. They sing things over and over again. It's like they're energizer bunnies and they never get tired of anything.

Okay, I guess that's not like the most outrageously annoying thing about the game...But honestly, I thought that if I heard "HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIFE" one more time yesterday, I may have thrown myself down a flight of stairs!!! By the way, if you don't know what I'm referencing here, do yourself a favor and DON'T look it up!!! For real. Anyways, I think it's time that I pick this room up a bit and start on my finals!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The world is about to end.

OMG!!!! ONLY 38 MINUTES UNTIL STARCRAFT IS RELEASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I was at my local GameStop anticipating the release with all of those amazingly cool people!!! More than that, though, I wish I was at Day 9's release party!!! I bet he has some pretty hot groupies! I can only imagine the insane amount of fun they're having there. I would totally go dressed up as a Zerg. I would spit at all of the Protoss and Terran, and everytime I went for a drink, I would scream, "I REQUIRE MORE MINERALS!!!!!!!" I would, undoubtedly, be the coolest person there. However, I'm sure there are numerous people there doing this anyways. In honor of my fiance's friend, I would like to pay tribute to his favorite StarCraft player "The Little One"...


I would also like to honorably mention "IdrA" my fiance's favorite...


OMG! Now only thirty minutes!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

This is not a joke. I repeat, this is not a joke.

Okay, seriously, one viewing party was enough. Last night my fiance held our second StarCraft Day 9 viewing party. These games were supposed to mark the end of the tournament until the game comes out on July 26th. (First off, let me just say, I find it incredibly depressing that I know there is even some dumb tournament, let alone the schedule of said tournament, and the release date of the game that is ruinging my life.) Tonight marks the third night of our viewing party. I know you're wondering - if last night was the last games, how can we be having another viewing party tonight? Well, my dear fiance and all of his friends are RE-WATCHING these games. No, I am not kidding. Also - I've really got to stop saying "we" because this is so strictly my fiance. I am so not involved in these ridiculous games. How can they be re-watching these games?! I get that I watched New Moon like more times than I can count, but somehow I feel like that is different. I wish I could capture the ridiculousness of this guy Day 9. He gets SO excited about these games. It would be funny, if he weren't so incredibly serious. Okay my fiance is literally yelling at the TV. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE VOID RAYS DOING?" - Did I mention he knows the outcomes and has already watched these games before?!?!?!?!?! They're all sitting around discussing how "rigged" these different races are. Can I just please tell you that it is MY life that is rigged? I'm the one that has to endure this torture. These guys are seriously nerdy than the nerdiest nerd you could ever find. - Apparently "void rays" create black holes - like I care. "There's nothing on zerg you can hate." SERIOUSLY?! "Terran just goes fucking viking and destroys them..." WHAT?! These are all random quotes from snipets of their conversations. It's like they speak some completely foreign language. Sigh. This is going to be a long night, but at least I have my calypso crunch cookies to keep me company.

Friday, July 23, 2010

This will blow your mind.

I stand corrected. Day 9 is actually a comentator for StarCraft games. Like it's a friggin' sport or something right?! I know you're asking yourself how I know this. Well, that's because I watched him last night. Sadly, this is not a joke. He gets like all hopped up and excited when things are happening in the games too. It's the most hilarious thing I have EVER heard. It's seriously like he's watching soccer or football and he's so excited at the prospect of his favorite team getting the winning point! I'm not sure whether I should laugh at this guy or feel incredibly sorry for this guy. As if it wasn't bad enough that I had to watch this stupid video, it gets worse. My fiance basically conned me into believing we were going to have a fun game night with our friends. Then he remembered there was a really important StarCraft game being played, so being the wonderful fiancee that I am, I said, "Well we'll put it on the TV and play games with it on." This however was not the case.

My fiance plugged his laptop into the TV in the family room. We all gathered around the coffee table to play games. So far, so good. We get in a few good games of Taboo. It was fun. Then, the StarCraft game started. His friends are all big StarCraft players - go figure. So he immediately shushed everyone and turned up the volume on the TV putting our game night on hold until the games were over. SERIOUSLY?! SERIOUSLY! How ridiculous is that?! Oh wait - it gets better, The games had already been played - they all knew the outcome! It's just that Day 9 was commentating live! Seriously - who in the heck cares about some random guy commentating? I mean, maybe I should start doing that. Maybe then I could have 8,000 viewers like that guy. Oh yeah, and did I mention that the TV is 60 inches. You don't even want to know how creepy those little roach-y Zerg look on a 60 inch TV.

Of course, I have photographic proof of this ridiculous get together.


And here's one with only half of our guests...


I'm almost too disappointed in myself to put this post up. Honestly, who goes to a viewing party for a StarCraft game. I'm so upset with myself to admit that I was duped into being the host.

Honestly though, there was no way to even halfway enjoy what was happening on the screen. I was completely lost. The damn thing was going back and forth and back and forth and this way and that. It was so tiring. Someone - that doesn't play - even asked if it was like in fast forward or something it was going so fast. For those of you wondering - it wasn't. That's just how you play the game. I would seriously have to be hopped up on speed or something in order to play the game. I mean the players kept like highlighting these areas and they would do it OVER and OVER again and nothing was there. It put me on such life tilt I can't even explain. Basically, last night I came to a conclusion, there is no way on this earth I could EVER find any interest in StarCraft. Not only that, I don't even want to be in the same room as these games they annoy me so bad. My fiance is absolutely getting a man cave. More for me than himself.

EDIT: I stand corrected again. They didn't know the results YET. The games had already been played, but "no one knew the results". However, these guys are smart, I'm pretty sure they could have found the results out before watching the stupid video.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Strength. Unity. Victory.

This is literally the tag line for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. LOL! SERIOUSLY?! I mean, by now, I think we all know that there is NO WAY that Terran, Protoss, and Zerg can ever UNITE in harmony. Let's be honest. They hate eachother and wholeheartedly believe that each race is rigged. It's completely comical that anyone ever thinks these three could UNITE! SO anyway, I log on to look at the website for this game and it screams to "JOIN THE DOMINION" and take an ENTRANCE EXAM! I, like, trying to get into an Ivy League school here?! What a joke. My fiance goes through stages with his games. He'll play one all day everyday for a week straight and then basically never play it again. However, this is not the case with StarCraft. I have no doubts that when this game finally comes out, he will he playing it for a very, very long time. He was recently telling me about some guy called Day Nine. He's a StarCraft scout or something, and he's semi professional. Who knew this was even possible?! It's so weird. By the way, you can follow StarCraft II on facebook AND twitter!!! I'm pretty sure I'm going to do this.

Monday, July 12, 2010

"DId you see all of my zerglings? LOL" - Austin

Seriously. StarCraft 2 is back to destroy my life. However, I'm not the only one on this boat. I'm fairly certain that StarCraft may mark the end of a beautiful friendship for my dear fiance. He has this really great friend. We hang out with him pretty frequently, but I know that my fiance considers him to be one of his best friends. Today, these two were playing a friendly (NOT) game of StarCraft together. I had just woken up from a glorious two hour nap. All of a sudden my fiance goes BALLISTIC. He went from normal to axe murdering psychopath in about six seconds. "COME ON! GET TO MY BASE!!!!! MY BASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!! JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! YOU JUST LOST THIS GAME FOR US!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Seriously. This was his outburst. He got really quiet and somber after that. I'm pretty sure he would have thrown himself out of a window if he didn't live in a single story home. I can't imagine the guilt he put on his friend. It was heart wrenching. Seriously. There was nothing normal or sane about this interaction. I have to go now, but don't worry, I'll continue this rant later.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face.

I feel like I am suffocating under a pile of books, which would normally not be a bad thing. But when said books are textbooks...I start to get really angry. I hate reading for school. I hate textbooks, and I hate the stupid things teachers assign us to read. Seriously. My degree will be in Creative Writing. I really don't care about the Theory of Literature. Do people even know there's a theory of literature? I'm in the class, and I still don't know what that means. Sigh. Taking three summer classes was probably not my best idea. I'm sitting here with this gigantic textbook trying not to read it. But I have to. It's a form of torture. I'm sure of it. I have my iPod playing, which also is probably not the best idea. But I can't take the silence. And with facebook and TMZ and People...I'm gettign seriously sidetracked. Everytime Brand New comes on, I get so excited as they are one of my favorite bands. Then Taylor Swift pops up, and how can you NOT sing to T Swift?! It's impossible. Then Kid Cuddi comes on and the next thing I know, I'm rapping. It's really sad all of the things I do to get out of studying. In fact, I'm blogging just to get out of studying. So pathetic.

While I'm procrastinating, I feel like I should let the public know about being courteous to your sales associate. I work at a very large retail store. I work in the intimate apparel and childrens department. This means that I am, unfortunately, a bra fitter. Seriously ladies, there is NOTHING wrong with being a size D or higher. Women pay to be in your position, so don't bitch. By the way, when I tell you you're a D don't moan about how big and gross that is. I am a DD, and I take offense to your immediate dismissal of anything over a size C. Also, I don't size you for fun. In fact, I hate it. I do it because I have to. I also don't pull your size out of my ass. Don't tell me I don't know how to size. Don't go try on a million bras in the size you think you are and then complain that they don't fit. I told you they wouldn't fit. In fact, I gave you wonderful bras that would work beautifully. Also, don't talk to me like I am somehow lower than you. And honestly, what's wrong with working in retail anyways?! And to end this, as I really need to study, DO NOT TALK ON YOUR CELL PHONE WHEN YOU'RE CHECKING OUT. Nothing says "you're not worth my time" more than that. Oh and one more thing, don't you dare be rude to me and then ask if I have a coupon. The answer will always be no.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Just a thought...

"I miss StarCraft" is seriously what I hear at least once a day everyday since the Beta went down. Seriously?! Seriously! I mean come on, it's not like it's not coming back in like a week or something. And then a few weeks after that the game will be released. It's really no big deal. I don't think I mourned this much when I finished Twilight or Harry Potter. And those characters were some of my best friends for a long time. I think I think of reading in a really weird way. I'm not sure it's completely healthy. Is a person really supposed to consider the characters in a book friends of theirs? Should I really feel like I'm experiencing these things with them? Should I cry when they're sad? And should I really miss the characters when I finish my book?! Whatever, maybe it's the wannabe writer in me. Or maybe I'm just kind of crazy, which is really no big surprise.

I've actually had some pretty good luck recently regarding good books. I went through a really depressing drought there for a little while where I simply could not find a decent story to read. It all started with Something Borrowed. I kind of have an addiction to books turned into movies. Like I HAVE to read the book and then see the movie. I honestly feel weird seeing a movie without reading the book. I feel like I'm missing out on some kind of VIP inside information. So anyway, my mom read this book called Something Borrowed a long time ago. Recently, I read somewhere that it was going to be made into a movie and Kate Hudson and Ginnifer Goodwin were going to be in it! Obviously, I NEEDED to read the book...So I did. Thus ending my drought. I honestly wouldn't highly recommend the book to anyone. I mean it was just mindless reading, and I really felt no connection to the characters. But, you better believe I will be at that movie when it comes out because I will totally be in on the secret. After Something Borrowed, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner came out. You can imagine my excitement. I mean we all know what a Twihard I am. So I, of course, bought the book to go along with my collection. My fiance actually read it first, and he really enjoyed it, so I was super excited. I started it and really couldn't get into it. It was really depressing. I finally finished it and I was left feeling completely underwhelmed. It was like a bad joke. The whole story was totally rushed. I feel like so much more could have been explored. I feel like there was plenty of time to build on Bree and Diego's relationship. There was plenty of time to make us hate Riley even more and to believe how evil he was. But it just came up so short. I really didn't feel a connection to her. I wasn't like sad when she died. I was really pretty indifferent to her. I don't know. It just really felt like a huge letdown. Now, on to Water for Elephants!!! This is the movie that Robert Pattinson is currently filming with Reese Witherspoon. Since it's a book being turned into a movie I absolutely NEEDED to read it. And it did not disappoint. It was an incredible story, and I loved every minute of reading it! I didn't want it to end. I think the casting director did an amazing job for the movie. Just based on looks and previous movies, I couldn't have hoped for better people to play the characters I loved so much. Once I finished this incredible book, I was kind of at a loss as to what I should do. I mean, typically, when I finish a really great book, it's hard for me to jump into a new one because in my mind, nothing can compare. I decided to pick up Eat, Pray, Love which is being adapted to the big screen with my all time favorite actress JULIA ROBERTS! I started it, and I'm really loving it. I'm a Creative Writing major, and one of my writing teachers told me Elizabeth Gilbert is an incredible writer. I have to agree wholeheartedly at this point. I want to write like her. She's a creative genius!!! I'll obviously let you know how it goes but so far, so good!

It's really weird writing this and not talking about Zerg. Honestly, though, with the World Cup and no StarCraft, it's been pretty nice around here. Except for Red Dead Redemption. Fiance was playing it the other day, and I'm not even kidding you he started just stabbing random innocent people!!! It was highly disturbing. He seriously told me that you could rape women in the game. I was so disgusted. I actually questioned his morality and soul in my mind. What kind of person kills and rapes women in a video game?! He laughed, surely enjoying my utter disgust. He finally told me there's no way to rape women, and he wouldn't even if it was an option...which I can't imagine the creator of a game actually making that an option. What a PR nightmare that would be. I really and truly don't even get the fascination with Red Dead. I mean you're riding around on a horse lassoing and stabbing people. What is that even instilling in the youth? I'm starting to lose hope for my generation and the generations to come. Fiance is going into game design as a profession, it's what he's studying in school right now. Maybe I can talk him into designing positive games that parents would approve. Like maybe there could be "Save Your Mother". It would be all about recycling and taking care of the planet, planting trees, walking around barefoot, hugging animals, and bathing in dirt. Or he could design, "Till Death Do Us Part". It could be about planning weddings and overcoming all kinds of obstacles with your bridal party at your side. Or maybe "For the Love of Flipper" and you could go around releasing captive dolphins and fighting for their lives. Maybe Ric O'Barry would make an appearance. I think all of these are really great ideas - none of you should steal them, Fiance needs to cash in on them.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A sigh of relief...

Today marks the end of the StarCraft 2 Beta!!! I can't believe I made it this far without breaking my fiance's computer. I wish I could say that I had some good times and some bad times with that game, but there was only BAD! Last night, fiance and his friends thought it would be smart to have a big StarCraft tournament. Good idea for them...too bad I had to suffer through it. He sat there for THREE AND A HALF HOURS playing. Not to brag or anything...but he was the undefeated champion of the tournament! Now that's something I'll be proud to tell all of my friends!!!

He sat there playing that game while I watched the MTV Movie Awards (GO NEW MOON)! I tried to talk to him a bit while I was watching the show and he was playing games. He had temporary hearing loss. For instance...When I was squealing over Kristen Stewart winning Best Female Performance, he couldn't hear a word that I was saying. They announced that in five minutes they were going to play an exclusive trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. I told fiance he better be ready to watch the TV in five minutes, as he is a Harry Potter fan. He said, "I don't think I'll be done yet." I replied, "Oh they're showing exclusive footage of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows." His response.."Oh I'll have to be done then...Tell me when it comes on!" Surrrrre. So then Rob and Kristen won BEST KISS!!!! And I'm all "OMG THEY'RE GONNA KISS! LOOK!!!! AHHH" Of course he was suffering from slight hearing loss. But when Scarlett and Sandra kissed...Well he was all eyes on the TV for that one!!! Silly, silly boy.

So I woke up this morning thinking, I have my fiance back!!! Two months free of StarCraft! No more "WE REQUIRE MORE MINERALS!" No more talk of how Terran and Protoss are so totally rigged while the poor Zerg suffers! No more yelling at the computer! No more constant StarCraft conversations with his friends while I sit there twiddling my thumbs! Well...I could be right about a few of these things, but what I seem to have forgotten was...RED DEAD REDEMPTION! When one game's on to the next. Boooo. And that's not all. I've failed to mention fiance's obsession with Two Plus Two. This is a forum for poker players of which he is an avid member. I'm pretty sure he may play a bit more online poker now than he has in the past few months. So I can cross "NO MORE YELLING AT THE COMPUTER" off my list because that is sure to come!

This is one thing I don't get about boys. They easily sway from one thing to another. Call of Duty was a big deal until Final Fantasy came out, then StarCraft filled those shoes, then Red Dead Redemption came barging in. You don't see me flopping from Team Edward to Team Jacob, and you certainly don't see me whoring around with other vampire series. I'm a Twihard through and through. If there's no more Twilight books for me to read, I'll fill my time with something else. You won't see me going to buy the latest House of Night novel or anything like that. I have loyalty.

Friday, June 4, 2010


MA used to be an amazing person until AM (fiancé) and JB corrupted him with StarCraft 2.

Let me clarify...MA, AM, and JB have been best friends for nearly their whole lives. AM and JB play StarCraft pretty seriously. MA, however, has not fallen into the trap. His fiancee is a lucky, lucky girl. It is with deep sadness that I report the fall of MA. AM and JB have officially showed him how to play StarCraft. I know that, eventually, MA will be sucked right in.

JB has a girlfriend that can easily relate to the frustrations brought on by playing second fiddle to the computer. She and I have had numerous conversations of just how much we don't get the appeal of these ridiculous video games. Perhaps she'll be a contributor to this blog!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I believe in magic and miracles.

Okay, so I have to take a bit of time out from trying to grasp the concept of video games to discuss a few things. Recently, I've come to notice that people simply don't care anymore. It's a truly sad thing to come to understand, but I have finally grasped this. After working over three years in retail, I always knew that people were mean and often times cruel. But after visiting a local restaurant tonight, I realized, people really don't care anymore...about anything and definitely anyone. Well let me clarify - the majority of people out there don't care. It's like I can work all day and never come across a genuinely nice person. There's not a day that I work in my retail store and I don't have at least one rude customer. This is not one of those glass half empty theories. This is fact. I have never gone a whole day mingling with the public and not come across a mean person. It's truly sad. I would argue that it's an epidemic. Apathy, meanness, rudeness, smugness, all of these things and so much more are truly, truly an epidemic. Honestly, if we all just tried a tiny bit harder, things would, no doubt, be so much better. If we were just a little bit nicer to each other things would be monumentally better. I think that when big changes occur drastically and fast, it never lasts; it's only temporary. However, I firmly believe that if we just tried a little harder, and if we were just a little nicer, and if we smiled to each other and ourselves just a little bit more, magic would surely happen. I believe in magic. I believe we can have sympathy and empathy for our neighbors. Apathy is a disease.

Everyone has baggage. Everyone has hurt and fear and anger in them. We all have meanness and greed and hatred. But we all have goodness and kindness too. We all have the ability to love someone. We all have the ability to experience life altering love that you can only feel once in your life. We all have the ability to laugh and to make someone else laugh. I think people forget these good things sometimes. I think people forget that they have the ability to love and accept people wholeheartedly. I think we all need to focus on that more. Everyone has a bad day. Everyone has a day where they think "nothing could feel worse than I do right now in this moment", but if someone were there to smile at them and offer them can't imagine the gratitude I would feel. Sometimes it's hard to ask for help, but I know that it's often better to offer help without anyone asking. It's easy to ignore a person in need, but I'm willing to bet that the feeling of helping someone in need is pretty beautiful. I think that if we all just stopped assuming that everyone was okay, things could change. We never know how much or how heavy someone's baggage could be. We need to try harder to be better for ourselves and everyone else.

Acceptance, love, and laughter are magical things. And I believe in magic.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

If I hear "We require more minerals" one more time...

Seriously. That is all his computer ever says when he's playing this stupid StarCraft 2 Beta. They are obviously totally desperate for more minerals...SO FRIGGIN' GIVE IT TO THEM ALREADY! Seriously. Is it that hard?! Between StarCraft and Red Dead Redemption, I might pull my hair out. Let me elaborate on how video games have totally surpassed me in fiance's eyes...

So about a week ago, my family received some very bad news concerning my dad's health. I was at work when I received the call from my mom that my dad has been diagnosed with cancer. I did what any normal daughter would do...I cried my eyes out. I ended up leaving work early that day. The first thing I did was call fiance to see if he would meet me at home. His response was "Well I'm at my friend's house, but I'll come by later." SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY! He didn't need to elaborate. I knew what this meant. He'd been waiting for weeks for his copy of Red Dead Redemption to get in, and when it didn't, he went to his friends house to play. I was seriously not as important as his video game!

To his credit though, he has been super nice since and even APOLOGIZED! SO anyways I've been doing some research on these creatures that have so captivated my love's affections. Now, I'm a total Twihard. Team Edward till the day I die. I get the fascination with fictional characters. But least the things I like are loving and pretty and don't need minerals constantly.

Case in point... THE ZERG



It's really not hard to see which is better. But can he love that nasty Zergling so much? It scares me just looking at him. This just further justifies how I could never play video games. How creepy. Now, if it were a bunch of Edwards running around...Well I could play a game like that...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The beginning of the end.

Recently, my fiance and I have gotten into a few tiffs. It's usually the same argument - "You don't care about anything I care about!" "You never pay attention to me!" So we're trying to find ways to right these wrongs. After all, that's what you do when you find the person you want to share your life with. You adapt. Well, I never anticipated the change I was going to have to make. I thought this fight might end differently...Perhaps he would realize he should not only go shopping with me, but also buy everything I wanted. Instead, I was promising to learn to play VIDEO GAMES. Sigh. I really, really do not know how I got myself into this mess. Honestly. If there was ever a person that would be least likely to play video games, I would be even less likely than the least likely-ist. I'm not kidding. I hate everything about them. I can't even walk straight without falling down. How am I supposed to control some other thing when I can't even control myself! And when I say I have no coordination - I mean I have negative coordination. Like when I was created, they took more from me than possible, and I now have a deficit. Let's not forget that these games give me a monstrous headache. And seriously, why do you have to kill everything in sight? Like why can't there be a video game where you plant trees and set dolphins free from captivity? I would play a game like that all day long.

SO today fiance and I went shopping. I needed some new bras, and he came along for the ride. Don't worry though - he's not the creepy guys standing in Victoria's Secret - seriously guys stop going in the Lingerie stores or departments - you're not impressing anyone. He sat outside on the benches and played Angry Birds on his cell phone. He didn't call me once to see if I was ready to leave or anything. It was completely ideal...except I did have to pay for them myself - baby steps, I suppose! After the shopping trip I was on cloud nine. Not only did I leave with three very kick ass bras - I had a peaceful trip with no fighting and no rushing! Incredible! So I knew what was coming my way next. He was going to want to play video games. When we got home I hung out with his mom and watched some Glen Beck, which if you knew me, you'd know that was a desperate act. I hate Glen Beck. I love his mom though - don't get confused. Anyway, Glen got done ranting, and it was time to face the firing squad. He stopped playing the StarCraft 2 Beta (thank goodness) and started to play the new Halo Beta. Instead of playing, I just watched. I tried to be annoying and overactive in the hopes he would tell me to stop watching. This, however, did not work. I rooted him on and told him to watch out. I did the "Ohhhhs" and "Ahhhhs" but nothing deterred him. The night is still young, and I'm fairly certain I'm going to have to play StarCraft later. This is where the Zergs come in. Don't know what a Zerg is? ME EITHER! But I'm sure I'll be able to school you on it later. The night is young, and I know he'll be calling me to play anytime now...

EDIT - I have just been informed that Zerg is already plural. Shame on me.