Monday, February 28, 2011

I think I was blind before I met you.

Wow. It's been an incredibly long time since I last updated. It's really crazy how much time flies. But then, time is a really crazy thing, flying or not. I wonder who came up with the idea of minutes. And who decided a minute was 60 seconds? I could say that not a lot is new, but that would be a lie. Life is freakin' crazy right now. Between 16 credit hours and working, I feel totally overwhelmed. Wah wah wah. I could whine about that for hours, but who really cares? Because even though I'm totally treading water, I don't care. And I wonder how my generation became so apathetic...I AM apathetic.

So, there's only 256 days until our wedding day! How crazy is that?! I still can't believe it's real. Our six year anniversary is coming up in May, and that, also, blows my mind. I know you're probably wondering how my sweet fiance is doing. There are about a million things I wish I had written down to share with all of you. Because, sometimes, I really think he's losing it. He hasn't played Star Craft in, like, a million years...But now all of a sudden he's all into it again. So I know you're probably wondering why he's all of a sudden addicted again. Well, thankfully, I have an answer. MLG Orlando is coming up soon. Clearly, he's training. Oh joy.

I know you're thinking, "What has sweet fiance been up to since he took a hiatus from Star Craft?" Then answer to this question truly breaks my heart because I have completely created a monster. For Christmas, he asked for a beer brewing kit. Of course, being the wonderful girl I am, I fulfilled his Christmas wish. Biggest. Mistake. Of. My. Life. He HAS NOT stopped brewing or talking about brewing. I'm sure I would enjoy this all a lot more if I actually LIKED beer...But I hate it! In fact, I loathe it. There is NOTHING even remotely good about beer. It tastes like raw eggs and farts!!!!

I know you're thinking, "He'll get over it. He goes through waves constantly." Normally, I would agree wholeheartedly. I mean we saw how long Final Fantasy and Red Dead Redemption lasted...Not too long. But this is serious. He eats, drinks, and sleeps brewing. He's CONSTANTLY yapping my ear off about all of these recipes and the math behind opening a brewery. It's driving me crazy. Seriously. Why does he have to enjoy the things I hate? So not only is he totally obsessed with brewing, it's all he talks to me about. We go to the library so he can get books on it! Like, come onnnnn. The only books he's ever read in the last six years is Harry Potter and Twilight (I made him). But now all of a sudden he wants to borrow MY KINDLE to read a book. I'm not kidding. He's constantly reading home brewing forums and searching for the best place to get beer, where can he find the store with the widest selection of craft beers. It's like a game to him. He's researching brewery's in the area and information about how the owner's got started. It's super intense. Last week, he was perusing the home brew forum, and I asked him if he wanted to go outside and wash his car with me while I washed mine. He said no...He wanted to stay inside and obsess more. So I said fine and went on my way. After nearly an hour outside, I come back in and he says to me, "Did you wash my car?" I reply, "No, I washed mine." He proceeds to get all pissy, "Well it would have been nice if you did mine." Really? Because it would have been nice if you left brewing alone for five minutes and spent some time with me. END RAGE.

I think I may need to have an intervention. It's games were always his one night stands. But he's full on having an affair with brewing. Beer is his mistress!

Well, off to study for midterms! I've found I do my best work when I hear raging over Star Craft in the background. "Dammit, I don't know how to f***ing deal with this!!!!" Music to my ears!

EDIT: I needed to update that he LITERALLY just hit his keyboard in a tantrum.

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